Plants differ from animals in the way they obtain food:
A plant can make its own food by [simple_tooltip content=’Photosynthesis is a process where plants make their own food from carbon dioxide and water using energy from the Sun’]Photosynthesis[/simple_tooltip]
Flowering plants: produce SEEDS. Eg grass, apple, oak, rose
The other groups are all NON-FLOWERING PLANTS do NOT produce seeds. Eg algae, moss and ferns
Fungiare not true plants as they do not possess green chlorophyll so cannot carry out photosynthesis.
They take their food from the material they are growing on (or in).
They reproduce asexually by making spores.
Examples of different fungi: mushroom, yeast, mould.
Fungi (along with bacteria) are very important in the food chain for the recycling of nutrients in the soil.
Some fungi are harmful and can cause disease in crops (eg potato blight).Some fungi are useful to man eg yeast which is used to ferment sugar and produce alcohol in the brewing industry.
(See micro-organisms)