Practice CE papers
These pages can be printing out and completing normally using a pen or pencil.
Common Entrance Examination PaperPHYSICS Common Entrance Examination PaperCHEMISTRY Common Entrance Examination PaperBIOLOGY |
The papers above are just home-made practice papers.
If you wish to buy actual past CE papers you can do so from Galore Park by following this link: CE Exam Papers
Galore Park will send you one free set of papers from this link: Free Exam Past Papers
Answers to the CE papers: click on one of the boxes below
Common Entrance Examination PaperPhysics-Answers Common Entrance Examination PaperChemistry-AnswersCommon Entrance Examination PaperBiology-Answers
If you would prefer a link to see the answer papers online then please use the Comments Form to ask me and I will send you a link
Entrance exam papers for London schools (Eton, Mill Hill etc)
(After making the link look about a third of the way down the page to find links to specific schools)
An external link to a website of entrance exam papers… remember some schools offer their own entrance exams instead of a common entrance paper.
Click here for
Multiple choice science revision questions