Acids Alkalis Neutral liquids The PH scale Indicators Neutralization Reactions involving acids ACIDS (acidic solutions) Acids have the following properties: Have a pH value less than pH 7 Turn blue litmus indicator red Can neutralise an alkali Have a sour …Continue reading →
Chromatography Making water pure (Distillation) Purifying rock salt Something is a MIXTURE if it contains two (or more) substances that are not chemically joined together. The substances in a mixture can often be …Continue reading →
The Bunsen Burner is a piece of equipment used to heat things in the science laboratory. It burns gas and was invented in 1855 by Robert Bunsen. Air hole closed Flame is yellow, smoky and luminous Air hole open Flame …Continue reading →
There are many substances around us. They all have their own properties which is how we recognise them. Physical properties : colour, strength, malleable or brittle, conductor or insulator, high or low density, high or low melting point Chemical properties: …Continue reading →
The kinetic theory states that all matter is made up of tiny particles that are constantly moving. Solid: The particles are held closely together in a regular pattern and can only just vibrate Liquid: The particles are still close together …Continue reading →
CHEMISTRY Substances Bunsen Burner Separating mixtures Acids and alkalis Indicators pH scale Heating Chemicals Chemical change The three states of matter The water cycle Solutions Elements Elements in the Earth’s crust Gases in the Air Chemical Reactions The carbon cycle …Continue reading →
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